Irene de Andrés
Irene de Andres graduated in Fine Arts at Universidad Complutense of Madrid in 2009, and did a Master of Research and Artistic Production. Her work oscillates between post-industrial residues, predesigned paradises and interstices where time seems to be paralysed. Documentation, photography, videos and interventions are the tools with which she creates a discourse that highlights the necessity of a slow reflection, in a world that makes us watch increasingly faster.
Her work has been exhibited at Espacio Líquido (Gijón, Spain) and 3+1 (Lisbon, Portugal) galleries, and in spaces such as the Matadero, OTR and La Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain), among others. Her last solo exhibition took place in the Casal Solleric of Palma de Mallorca (Baleares, Spain). She has received residency grants from Casa de Velazquez and the Bilbao Art Foundation. Among the various prizes she has been awarded, The XI El Cultural PhotoEspaña Prize 2011 and the Circuitos de Artes Plásticas and Generaciones 2013 art awards stand out. She has also obtained one of the Grants for Productions from the local goverment of Madrid.