More about Astilhãografo
Astilhãografo reuses visual and textual elements referring to the two basic areas of the city, the public and the private, the house and the street advertising for real estate agencies, ads, on the one hand and the other, to the signaling systems of urban space, the lines of metropolitan transportation… Through them, a drift is proposed by the history of the city, from architecture, literature and art through the figure of patron (Ciccillo Matarazzo, the founder of the Biennale in 1951 ), the world of work, exploitation and resistance, political and cultural, popular culture and creativity “subordinate” to poetry of popular songs of different immigrant communities, making use of the various languages spoken in São Paulo today or anytime throughout its history – the indigenous tupi into Portuguese, French or Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish… vehicle and frame of multiple Lebensformen of the inhabitants of a complex but heterogeneous and polysemic territory… moving through the same microcracks that corrode and set up communications divisions between inside and outside, between center and periphery, admission and exclusion, belonging or not to stay or spend… a journey that is formed by poetic associations: from the dotted lines of São Paulo´s metro to the lines drawn on maps to mark borders, to the ideal line of Ecuador that separates North and South, breaks the world between rich and poor, the lines of the hand as the fate of the people want to be read, the thread in the hands of a “shadow” of the textile worker that weaves, occult labor, slavery and its emancipation.