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More about Le pouvoir: A prendre ou à Garder (Power: to take or to keep)

The text of this poster says the following:

Power: to take or to keep … in your name, but without you!

In front of that of the state, terrorism provides another legitimization of murder. Its basic axiom: the individual does not exist in front of the wonderful hope of singing tommorows. Terrorism is an exchange of signs of power between people who hold power and those who want to take it on behalf of the masses. And state terrorism as well as “progressive” terrorisme slashes  into the masses with a knife with which it ultimately has the greatest contempt. Terrorism “deals” with the state.  Paranoid desire to trade on the same field. Let me see your power, I will show you mine. The bodies become merchandises, signifiers, symbols.

This poster was first published as a Din A4 sheet in “MEFI” issue number 2 in February 1978. “MEFI” is published by “Black ink” printers. This comic strip shop from Marseille made “booom” in August 1980,  caused by a load of plastic from the extreme right …

The emancipation of the printers will be the work of the printers themselves (etc. ..)